Friday, September 18, 2009


- What did you learn from working on this project? (Eg. teamwork, knowledge, about Ancient Civilisations, presentation skills, etc)

- I learnt that teamwork is very important as without it we could not done our project in time. As I am a researcher , I found out a lot of new things that i still did not know.Now after the project , I knew more about the ancient history.

- What can be improved about the way the project was carried out? (Eg. planning, research, presentation, model-making, etc)

- I think we should have more time on explanation rather than having a worsheet to complete as most of us would only rushed through to complete the worksheet without listening to the explanation.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

History Holiday Questions

In a country like Singapore which is multi-religious, what are the possible challenges we might face?How can we overcome these challenges?

- We might face problems such as dislike among different religions causing conflicts. In Order , to prevent such things from happening we need to respect each others religions. Another is to , learn more about their religion like what they can eat , what are their religious days and what they cannot do.

How was religions and philosophies important to the people of the ancient civilisations?

- These would guide people on Ancient Civilisation on how to behave themselves or live their life.
If they did not believe on a certain religion it would be hard for the kings to have a standard way of ruling. Without it there would be riots.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

History Questions

Similarites :
- they have a writing system
- all the civilisation have occupations
- all of them have government
- all of the civilisation believe on a religion

Difference :
- Shipbuilders only in SEA not in other civilisation
- The civilisation occurred at different timing ( 2500 BCE in India , 3000 BCE in China and 600 BCE in SEA )
- The way the government rule ( Feudalism in China , Centralised Government in India )
- Different religions ( Buddhism in India and China ) ( Muslim in SEA )

Similarities To Singapore :
-They have occupations and Writing System
-The Indus Valley have a drainage system similar to Singapore
-The religions were inherited from all of the civilisations.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Indus Valley Civilisation Summary

The efficient goverment planned the city well , provided a shelter against enemies, built a complex drainage stsyem and stores food for future consumption

Most of the Indus people worked as priests who carry out religious rituals. Craftsmen who create pottery and bronze tools. Farmers who produce food and Traders who sell as well as purchase products from other regions.

Seals found in the Indus Valley Civilisation indicated that the people there had a uniform writing system and used seals for trade.